Ford B-max Sync Update Download

  1. Download the SYnc app for Windows or Mac. Access, share and upload files from your mobile device.
  2. New SYNC Software Update is Available A new software update is available for vehicles with the SYNC system. This update will not work for MyFord Touch. Details and benefits are listed directly below, with instructions on how to install it in your vehicle following. This software update addresses the following issues: Bluetooth© Connectivity Improvements:.
  1. My Ford Sync Update Download
  2. Ford B-max Sync Update Download Windows 10
  3. Sync Update Download

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Downloaded from manuals search engine You CanIf You Select
2. When Please begin pairing by appears in the display,search for SYNC on your device to start the pairingprocess. Refer to your mobile phone's user guide if neces-sary.3. When prompted on your mobile phone's display, enterthe six-digit PIN provided by SYNC in the radio display.The display indicates when the pairing is successful.4. Set phone name as the favorite mobile phone? Choosebetween Yes and No.5. Depending on the functionality of your mobile phone,you may be asked additional questions (i.e. if you wouldlike to download your phonebook). Press Yes or No toselect your responses.
Delete a paired mobile phone.DeletePress Delete and confirm with Yes when asked to deletethe selected device from SYNC. After deleting a mobilephone from the list, the mobile phone can only beconnected again by executing the pairing process.
Set a previously paired mobile phone as your primarymobile phone.Master
Press Master to select the desired mobile phone as theprimary mobile phone.SYNC attempts to connect with the primary mobile phoneevery time the ignition is switched on. When a mobilephone is selected as primary, it appears first in the list and
is marked with an asterisk*
Connect a previously paired bluetooth-enabled mobilephone. You can only have one device connected at a timeto use the mobile phone functionality. When anothermobile phone is connected, the previous mobile phonewill be disconnected for the telephone services. SYNCallows you to use different Bluetooth devices for themobile phone functionality and the BT Audio music play-back feature at the same time.
Press Conn. to connect to the selected previously pairedmobile phone.
Disconnects the selected mobile phone. Press Discon.and confirm with Yes when asked. After disconnecting amobile phone, it can be connected again withoutperforming the full pairing process.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine System Settings
1.Press the MENU button to enter the
system's menu.
2.Select SYNC-Settings, then press OK.
You CanIf You Select
Check or uncheck this option to turn on or off the Bluetoothinterface of the system. Select, then press OK to changethe option's status.
Bluetooth on
Return to the factory default settings. This selection doesnot erase your indexed information (phonebook, callhistory, text messages and paired devices).
Set defaults
Press OK to select and then press Yes when Setdefaults? appears in the display.
Completely erase all information stored on SYNC(phonebook, call history, text messages and paireddevices) and return to the factory default settings.
Master reset
Press OK to select and then press Yes when Masterreset? appears in the display. The display indicates whencomplete and SYNC takes you back to the SYNC-Settings menu.
Install applications or software updates you have down-loaded.Install on SYNC
Scroll to select and then press OK. Confirm with Yes whenInstall on SYNC appears in the display. There must be avalid SYNC application or update available on the USBthumb drive in order to finish an installation successfully.
Display the system's version numbers as well as its serialnumber.System info
Press OK to select.
The voice settings submenu contains Interact. mode,Confirm prompt, mobile Phone candidate and Mediacandidate. See Using Voice Recognition (page 198).
Voice settings
Browse the actual menu structure of the connected USBdevice. Press OK and use the up or down arrows to scrollthe folders and files. Use the left or right arrows to enterand leave a folder. Media content can be directly selectedfor playback from this menu.
Browse USB
You can turn the emergency assistance feature on or off.See SYNC® Applications and Services (page 211).Emergency assistance

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Downloaded from manuals search engine SYNC® APPLICATIONS AND
1.Press the MENU button to enter thesystem's menu.
2.Scroll until SYNC-Apps is selected,then press OK.
A list of available applications will beshown. Each application might have itsown specific settings.
SYNC Emergency Assistance
For this feature to work, your mobilephone must be compatible withSYNC.
Always place your mobile phone ina secure location inside your vehicle.Failure to do so may cause seriousinjury to someone or damage the phonewhich could prevent emergency assistancefrom working correctly.
Unless the emergency assistancesetting is set to on prior to a collision,the system will not attempt to placean emergency call which could delay theresponse time, potentially increasing therisk of serious injury or death. Do not waitfor emergency assistance to make anemergency call if you can do it yourself.Dial emergency services immediately toavoid a delayed response time. If you donot hear emergency assistance within fiveseconds of the collision, the system ormobile phone may be damaged or nonfunctional.
Note:Before selecting this feature, youmust read the emergency assistance privacynotice later in this section for importantinformation.
Note:When you turn emergency assistanceon or off, that setting will apply for all pairedmobile phones. If you have turnedemergency assistance off and a previouslypaired phone connects when you switch theignition on, either a voice message plays, adisplay message or icon is shown or both.
Note:Every mobile phone operatesdifferently. While SYNC emergencyassistance works with most mobile phones,some mobile phones may experiencedifficulties using this feature.
Note:For important information regardingairbag deployment: See SupplementaryRestraints System (page 22).
In the event of a collision which deploysan airbag or activates the fuel cut-offswitch, the system may contactemergency services by dialling 112 (thewireless emergency number that works inmost European countries) through a pairedand connected mobile phone. For moreinformation about SYNC and emergencyassistance visit your regional Ford website.
Setting Emergency Assistance On:
1.Press the PHONE button to enter themobile Phone menu.
2.Scroll to emergency assistance.
3.Press OK to confirm and enter theemergency assistance menu.
4.Scroll through and highlight the On orOff selection.
5.Press OK to confirm the selection.
Display options:
•In case On was selected,Set Onappears in the display as confirmation.
•In case Off was selected a dialogueappears which allows you to set a voicereminder.

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My Ford Sync Update Download

Downloaded from manuals search engine •Off with voice reminder provides adisplay and voice reminder when themobile phone connects and yourvehicle starts.
•Off without voice reminder provides adisplay reminder only without a voicereminder when the mobile phoneconnects.
To Make Sure That EmergencyAssistance Works Correctly:
•SYNC must have power and be workingcorrectly at the time of the collision andduring feature activation and use.
•The emergency assistance featuremust be set to on prior to the incident.
•You must have a mobile phoneconnected to SYNC.
•In certain countries it may be necessaryto have a valid and registered SIM cardwith credit in order to place andmaintain a 112 call.
•A connected mobile phone must havethe ability to make and maintain anoutgoing call at the time of theincident.
•A connected mobile phone must haveadequate network coverage, batterypower and signal strength.
•Your vehicle must have battery powerand be located in a European countryor region where SYNC emergencyassistance can call the localemergency services. See your regionalFord website for details.
In the Event of a Collision
Note:Not every collision will deploy anairbag or activate the fuel cut-off switch(which may activate emergencyassistance). However, if emergencyassistance is triggered, SYNC tries tocontact the emergency services. If aconnected mobile phone is damaged orloses connection to SYNC, SYNC searchesfor and tries to connect to, any availablepreviously paired mobile phone and willattempt to make an emergency call to 112.
Before making a call:
•If the call has not been cancelled anda successful call is made, theintroductory message is played first forthe emergency operator, followed byhands-free communication betweenyour vehicle occupant and theoperator.
•SYNC provides a short window of time(approximately 10 seconds) to cancelthe call. If the call is not cancelledSYNC will attempt to dial 112.
•SYNC says the following, or a similarmessage: 'SYNC will attempt to makean emergency call. To cancel the call,please choose cancel from the screenor press the hang up button'.
During a call
•Emergency assistance uses vehicleGPS or mobile network informationwhen available to determine the mostappropriate language to alert theemergency operator of the collisionand deliver the introductory message.Which may include your vehicles GPScoordinates.
•The language used to interact with yourvehicle occupants is pre-selected bythe user for all SYNC functions andmay differ from the language used bySYNC to deliver information to theEmergency Operator.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine •After the delivery of the introductorymessage the voice line will open sothat you can speak hands-free with theemergency operator.
•When the line is connected, you mustbe prepared to provide your name,phone number and locationinformation immediately.
Note:While information is being providedto the emergency operator you will hear thefollowing or similar message 'Please standby while important information is beingdelivered to the emergency operator.' SYNCwill say “line open” or similar at the start ofhands-free communication.
Note:During an emergency assistance call,an emergency priority screen will bedisplayed in your vehicle which containsvehicle GPS coordinates when available.These coordinates match the informationprovided to the emergency operator in theintroductory message.
Note:The emergency operator may alsoreceive information from the mobile networksuch as mobile phone number, mobilephone location and mobile phone carriername independent from SYNC emergencyassistance.
Emergency assistance may not work if:
•Your mobile phone or emergencyassistance hardware has beendamaged in a collision.
•Your vehicle's battery or the SYNCsystem has no power.
•If your phone is thrown from yourvehicle during a collision.
•You do not have a valid and registeredSIM card with credit in your phone.
•You are in a European country or regionwhere the SYNC emergency assistancecall cannot be placed. See yourregional Ford website for details.
Important Information About the FordSYNC Emergency Assistance Feature
Emergency Assistance does not currentlycall emergency services in the followingmarkets: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Macedonia, Netherlands,Ukraine, Moldova and Russia.
See your regional Ford website for latestdetails.
Emergency Assistance Privacy Notice
Once emergency assistance is set to on, itmay disclose to emergency services thatyour vehicle has been in a collisioninvolving the deployment of an airbag oractivation of the fuel cut-off switch. Thisfeature has the capability to disclose yourlocation information to the emergencyoperator or other details about your vehicleor collision to provide the most appropriateemergency services.
If you do not want to disclose thisinformation, do not turn the feature on.
You can access and play music from yourdigital music player over your vehicle'sspeaker system using the system's mediamenu or voice commands. You can alsosort and play your music by specificcategories such as artists, albums, etc.
SYNC is capable of hosting nearly anydigital media player including: iPod®,Zune™, Plays from device players, andmost USB drives. SYNC also supportsaudio formats such as MP3, WMA, WAVand ACC.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine Connecting Your Digital MediaPlayer to the USB Port
Note:If your digital media player has apower switch, make sure that the device isturned on.
To Connect Using Voice Commands
1.Plug the device into your vehicle's USBport.
2.Press the voice button and whenprompted, say 'USB'.
3.You can now play music by saying anyof the appropriate voice commands.Refer to the media voice commands.
To Connect Using the System Menu
1.Plug the device into your vehicle's USBport.
2.Press the AUX button until initialisingappears in the top left corner of thedisplay.
3.Depending on how many digital mediafiles are on your connected device,Indexing USB may appear in thedisplay. When indexing is complete, thescreen returns to the Play menu.
Press Browse. Now you can scroll throughthe list:
•Play all.
•Browse USB.
•Reset USB.
What's Playing?
At any time when a track is playing, youcan press the voice icon and ask thesystem 'What's playing?' The systemreads the metadata tags (if populated) ofthe track being played.
Media Voice Commands
Press the voice button and whenprompted say 'USB', and thenany of the following:
'Repeat off'Play'
'Repeat on'Play album '1,2
'Search album '1,2'Play All'
'Search artist '1,2'Play artist '1,2
'Search genre '1'Play genre '1,2
'Search song '1'Play next folder'3
'Search track '1,2'Play next track'

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Downloaded from manuals search engine 'USB'
'Shuffle off'Play playlist '1,2
'Shuffle on'Play previous folder'3
'Similar music'Play previous track'
'What's playing?'Play song '1
'Play track '1,2
1 is a dynamic listing, meaning that it could be the name of any desired group,artist, song, etc.2 Voice commands which are not available until indexing is complete.3 Voice commands which are only available in folder mode.
Voice Command Guide
The system searches all the data from your indexed musicand if available, begins to play the chosen type of music.You can only play genres of music which are present inthe genre metadata tags that you have on your digitalmedia player.
'Search genre' or 'Playgenre'
The system compiles a playlist and then plays similarmusic to what is currently playing from the USB port usingindexed metadata information.
'Similar music'
The system searches for a specific artist, track or albumfrom the music indexed through the USB port.Search or Play, 'Artist','Track, or 'Album'
The system is also capable of playingmusic from your mobile phone viaBluetooth.
To switch the Bluetooth audio on use theAUX or Source button or press the voicebutton and when prompted say 'Bluetoothaudio', then any of the following:

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Downloaded from manuals search engine 'BLUETOOTH AUDIO'
'Play next track'
'Play previous track'
Media Menu Features
The media menu allows you to select howto play your music (by artist, genre, shuffle,repeat, etc.) and to find similar music orreset the index of your USB devices.
1.Press AUX to select USB playback andthen Options to enter the Mediamenu.
2.Scroll to cycle through:
You CanWhen You Select
Choose to shuffle or repeat your music. Once theseselections are turned on, they will remain on until switchedoff.
Shuffle playlist and Repeattrack
You can play similar types of music to the current playlistfrom the USB port. The system uses the metadatainformation of each song to compile a playlist. The systemthen creates a new list of similar songs and will then beginplaying. Each track must have the metadata tags popu-lated for this feature. With certain playing devices, if your
Similar music
metadata tags are not populated, the tracks will not beavailable in voice recognition, play menu or similar music.However, if you place these tracks onto your playing devicein mass storage device mode they are available in voicerecognition, Play menu browsing and Similar Music.Unknowns are placed into any unpopulated metadatatag.
Resets the USB index. After the new indexing is completeyou can choose what to play from the USB song library.Reset SYNC USB

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Downloaded from manuals search engine Accessing Your USB Song Library
This menu allows you to select and playyour media by artist, album, genre, playlist,track or even to browse what is on yourUSB device.
1.Make sure that your device is pluggedinto the USB port and is turned on.
2.Press AUX to select USB playback andthen Browse.
If there are no media files to access, thedisplay indicates there is no media. If thereare media files, you have the followingoptions to scroll through and select from:
You CanWhen You Select
Play all indexed media (tracks) from your playing deviceone at a time in numerical order.*
Play all
Press OK to select. The first track title appears in thedisplay.
Access your playlists (from formats such as . ASX, .M3U,. WPL or . MTP).*
1. Press OK to select.2. Scroll to select the desired playlist, then press OK.
Search for and play a specific track which has beenindexed.*
1. Press OK to select.2. Scroll to select the desired track, then press OK.
Sort all indexed media by artist. Once selected, the systemlists and then plays all artists and tracks alphabetically.*
1. Press OK to select.2. Scroll to select the desired artist, then press OK.
Sort all indexed media by albums.*Albums
1. Press OK to select.2. Scroll to select the desired albums, then press OK.
Sort indexed music by genre (category) type.*Genres
1. Press OK to select.2. Scroll to select the desired genre, then press OK.
Browse all supported digital media on your media deviceconnected to the USB port. You can only view mediacontent which is compatible with SYNC, other files savedare not visible.
Browse USB
1. Press OK to select.


Ford B-max Sync Update Download Windows 10

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Downloaded from manuals search engine You CanWhen You Select
2. Scroll to browse indexed media on your flash drive, thenpress OK.
Resets the USB index. After the new indexing is completeyou can choose what to play from the USB song library.Reset USB
*You can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to quickly jump to a certainalphabetical category. You can also use the letters on you're the number pad to jump inthe list.
Bluetooth Devices and SystemSettings
You can access these menus using thedisplay. See Using SYNC® With YourPhone (page 200).
Your SYNC system is easy to use. However,should questions arise, please refer to thetables below.
Use the Ford website to check your mobilephone's compatibility.
Phone Issues
Possible SolutionPossible CauseIssue
Review your phone's user guide regardingaudio adjustments.The audio controlsettings on your phonemay be affecting SYNCperformance.
A lot of back-ground noiseduring a phonecall.
Try turning off the device, resetting thedevice, removing the device's battery, thentrying again. Make sure that the Mic offoption of SYNC is set to off.
Possible phone malfunc-tion.During a call, Ican hear theother personbut they cannothear me.
Go to the website to review your phone'scompatibility.This is a phone-dependent feature.SYNC is notable to down-load my phone-book.Try turning off the device, resetting thedevice or removing the device's battery,then trying again.
Possible phone malfunc-tion.
Try pushing your phonebook contacts toSYNC by using the Add contacts feature.You must switch your mobile phone on andthe automatic phonebook downloadfeature on SYNC.

Sync Update Download

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